
Showing posts from November, 2016

Lab6: Vector Shapes

This lab is very similar to lab5, but in this lab we use the shape tool( rectangle tool, rounded rectangle tool, ellipse tool, polygon tool, line tool, and custom shape tool) to re-draw the image. Since the landscape i drew had some smooth edges it was difficult to redraw it using shapes and it ended up like i had some major budget cuts, but i still like it. the objective of this lab was to redraw the image i drew only using shapes, which would lead to it being challenging because there is not enough freedom like in the paint brush tool. The way I did this lab was to first find out what shapes could replace the object that i drew such as triangle could act like the mountains and the rest were mainly created using rectangles. The river i created by using the custom shape tool and selected the page shape and just connected various pages to create a wavy river, also the moon was made using a custom shape tool.     This is relevant to Visual Design because in certain situations...

Lab5: Paint Brush Landscape

          For this lab what i did was use the paint brush tool to color in my landscape which i previously drew beforehand. the objective of this lab was for us to experiment using the paint brush tool by using different colors and brushes that create distinct strokes. I completed this lab by first having a drawing of a landscape opened in photoshop, then duplicate the layer so no damage would be done to the original. afterwards, using various colors and brushes color in the image, so it displays my creativity and imagination.         This lab is relevant in Visual Design because knowing your way around a tool it will benefit you in the future. it will make your efficiency better and you would know how to create different effects on the image. in addition with these skills you can be able to create beautiful mages that would appeal to a specific audience and it could be helpful when improving my logo.

Project#2: Collage and Silhouette

The purpose of this project was to create a collage and silhouette for a person of our choosing and the objective was to learn different skills in Photoshop.  First to create the collage I had to make a good selection of the person and inverse the selection so the person's body would not show. next I had to add a layer mask by clicking the add a layer mask button. then all that had to been was add the photos that I had saved previous and place them where I see fit. The way created the silhouette was to first add a sentence that described the person chosen and then selecting the cutout by clicking the picture of the cutout while holding the command button. Afterwards I had to select the sentence I wrote, copy it and go to the paths tab to create a new work path with a tolerance of 1.0. Next, while the type toll is selected click somewhere on the work path and it would automatically create a place to put text because you would see the cursor. The final step was to repeated...