The purpose of this project was to create a collage and silhouette for a person of our choosing and the objective was to learn different skills in Photoshop. First to create the collage I had to make a good selection of the person and inverse the selection so the person's body would not show. next I had to add a layer mask by clicking the add a layer mask button. then all that had to been was add the photos that I had saved previous and place them where I see fit. The way created the silhouette was to first add
a sentence that described the person chosen and then selecting the cutout by
clicking the picture of the cutout while holding the command button. Afterwards
I had to select the sentence I wrote, copy it and go to the paths tab to create
a new work path with a tolerance of 1.0. Next, while the type toll is selected
click somewhere on the work path and it would automatically create a place to
put text because you would see the cursor. The final step was to repeatedly
paste the sentence until it completely covered the work path.
The person I
chose to create a collage and silhouette for was Lionel Messi because to me he
was the person that inspired me to rekindle my love for football (soccer in
America). this project is relevant to Web Design because there are going to be times where I will have to create a poster or advertisement and creating a collage or silhouette is the perfect way to send a message to viewer without being too obvious. I see myself using these skills in the future when wanting to send a message to people without being to blunt and in a creative way so it would appeal to people.
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