Ten80 Trip

This Friday, Saturday the 3rd of March there was a Ten80 Expo which I was fortunate enough to participate in. This expo was with a partnership with the US Army in order to give students from STEM High Schools a chance to experience the different jobs in the US Army that incorporate STEM in one way or other. there were six different courses you could've taken which were code, race, lead, pitch, test, and game. I originally want to participate in either game or test but i ended up going to race which turned out to be one of the better courses. But before everyone split up there was sort of a seminar in which people form STEM field jobs talked about their work and students such as myself could ask question if we were interested. Next each course went to a separate section of the college and my course which was race went inside a room which had a race track set up for toy cars. also each table had its on toy car which was a model of the type of cars they would use in drag races but it was just the interior. this was very interested because although we were able to build it ourselves, we got to learn the different variable that went into a racing car, from the tires used to the gears which allow the car to accelerate. my group fooled around with the different settings on the controller to see the full extent on what this model could do. hen after all the learning was done we got to have some fun which was we got to drive the models on the track. in my opinion that was the best part because it seemed more hands on and we got to experience one tenth of how the actual car is. I was fortunate enough to obtain a ticket from the supervisor because my driving skills were better than the rest of my group, even though we all did a good job and we only had to do two laps around the track.
