WBL: Workshop: Resumes

today I was fortunate enough to gain some new knowledge about how to apply for a job or internship. before this workshop my knowledge of resumes was that it was basically a summary of who you are and this is supposed to persuade the employer to hire you. Now I know that a lot more though is to be given when writing your resume. a basic resume s to contain your personal information such as: your name, address, phone number, and email(must be a professional email, not one you made in the sixth grade).
one thing that did surprise me was that apparently there is supposed to be a cover letter attached to the resume and this is because in the actual letter you are attempting to persuade to persuade the employer to hire you by discussing why your interested in working for the company, why your skills are relevant to the work, and how you will be valuable asset. then in the actual resume you list your skills, work experience, volunteer activities and service organization experience, and education you have had.
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